
Social Firms Wales understands the complexities of the social landscape and how important it is to have the right support at the right time.

We possess the knowledge, experience and expertise to support the development of projects both large and small and work with a diverse client base across all sectors.

If you would like to discuss or explore your ideas, or the transformation of a Public Service contact us.

For further information contact Rosie Cribb on 07754 070 761 or email [email protected]

Is Your Business Idea Viable?

A feasibility study is the analysis and assessment of a proposal or idea that tests its viability and answers the vital question, “Should we proceed?”

Business Planning

Your business plan is basically an instruction manual for your business. It describes who you are, why you are there, what you do and how you will do it.

Market Planning

The more you know about your sector, who’s doing what and with whom, the stronger your business will be. No matter who you’re trying to reach you’ll need good market planning to reach them.

Financial Planning

Because each company has its own route—a set of goals and a unique market presence and opportunity—no two financial plans are alike. We can help you with all aspects of your financial plan.

The Importance of Governance

It is essential that organisations have good governance in both how they are managed and within their documentation. Although most will understand that good governance is a must for any organisation, it is often misunderstood and poorly implemented.

Procurement & the Supply Chain

Whether you are an emerging or fully established Social Firm or a Local Authority looking to maximise the potential of procurement, Social Firms Wales is able to provide practical support.                                                               

Public Services for the Future

Funding issues experienced by the public sector has seen the need for change on a large scale. Public bodies are being encouraged to make changes as to how services are commissioned and delivered, thus we are seeing a need for radical change.

Project Management

From time to time businesses can experience short-term challenges at management level. Key managers in a business will move on, or perhaps take long-term leave or a secondment elsewhere.                                                  


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