Public services for the future

Change is a constant we all live with on a daily basis. Funding issues experienced by the public has seen the need for change on a large scale, it has become a necessity and an expectation of whole communities. We are in a financial climate that will not support the growing population and the needs of community members in the future.

A window of opportunity exists in that public bodies are being encouraged to make change to how services are commissioned and delivered, thus we are seeing a need for radical change as funding streams diminish and the population of Wales increases.

The Social Services & Well-being Wales Act 2014 is an Act of the National Assembly for Wales to reform social services law to make provision about improving the well-being outcomes for people who need care and support and carers who need support and to to make provision about co-operation and partnership by public authorities with a view to improving the well-being of people.

Social Firms Wales has a particular interest in Section 16 of the act which places a duty on local authorities to promoting social enterprises, co-operatives, user led services and the third sector. A local authority must promote:

(a) the development in its area of social enterprises to provide care and support and preventative services;

(b) the development in its area of co-operative organisations or arrangements to provide care and support and preventative services;

(c) the involvement of persons for whom care and support or preventative services are to be provided in the design and operation of that provision;

(d) the availability in its area of care and support and preventative services from third sector organisations (whether or not the organisations are social enterprises or cooperative organisations).
Various options are now being considered for the future delivery of public services, however, not all will provide a solution that is long-term, one that can easily and quickly respond to changing trends in society, the needs of local communities and will not be an on-going drain on the public purse.

Potential options include:

1. Maintain the status quo
2. Tender out to third sector organisations either as a whole or in part
3. Tender out to the private sector either as a whole or in part
4. Transform existing services into social enterprise models
5. Transform existing services into Alternative Delivery Models (ADM's)

How can Social Firms Wales help?

By supporting Local Authorities to achieve modern, effective & cost efficient services by providing:

Assessment / options available to Local Authorities
Viability / feasibility studies
Business planning
Full transition / externalisation service
Ongoing support

For further information contact San Leonard on 07799 345 940 or email [email protected]





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