A Fond Farewell
Just a quick note to share that I will be taking early retirement in April. It has been a pleasure putting this newsletter together and looking after our members. I want to say a heartfelt thank you for reading, engaging, and sharing your feedback over the years. I wish you all the very best with your businesses, organisations, and projects - your work is making a real difference.
Wishing you continued success
Sue Simmonds - Member Services
With that in mind
Freelance newsletter designer needed- 5 hours/week
Social Firms Wales is sad to be saying goodbye to our longstanding membership officer, Sue at the end of March - what will we do without her?! Sue is off to enjoy her well-earned retirement and we are now on the search for someone to take over the creation of our weekly e-newsletter- could that person be you?
Are you a whizz on the computer?
Do you have experience of using Mailchimp and designing newsletters?
Would working just a few flexible hours a week from home suit you?
If you think you can help us to compile, design and distribute our e-newsletter, we would love to hear from you- please contact Rosie to express your interest in this role and find out more at [email protected]
P.S. Support will be available from Sue for the first couple of weeks to help show you the ropes.
Pob hwyl!
Nodyn cyflym i'w rannu y byddaf yn ymddeol yn gynnar ym mis Ebrill. Mae wedi bod yn bleser rhoi'r cylchlythyr hwn at ei gilydd a gofalu am ein haelodau. Hoffwn ddiolch o galon i chi am ddarllen, ymgysylltu a rhannu eich adborth dros y blynyddoedd. Rwy'n dymuno'r gorau i chi gyda'ch busnesau, sefydliadau a phrosiectau - mae eich gwaith yn gwneud gwahaniaeth go iawn.
Gan ddymuno llwyddiant parhaus i chi
Sue Simmonds - Gwasanaethau Aelodau
Gyda hynny mewn golwg
Angen dylunydd cylchlythyr llawrydd- 5 awr yr wythnos
Mae Cwmnïau Cymdeithasol Cymru yn drist i fod yn ffarwelio â'n swyddog aelodaeth hirsefydlog, Sue ddiwedd mis Mawrth - beth fyddwn ni'n ei wneud hebddi?! Mae Sue ar ei ffordd i fwynhau ei hymddeoliad haeddiannol ac rydym bellach yn chwilio am rywun i gymryd drosodd ein e-gylchlythyr wythnosol – ai chi yw hynny?
Ydych chi'n wrth eich bodd ar y cyfrifiadur?
Oes gennych chi brofiad o ddefnyddio Mailchimp a dylunio cylchlythyrau?
Buasai gweithio ychydig oriau hyblyg yr wythnos o'ch cartref yn addas i chi?
Os ydych chi'n credu y gallwch chi ein helpu i lunio, dylunio a dosbarthu ein e-gylchlythyr, byddem wrth ein bodd yn clywed gennych- cysylltwch â Rosie i fynegi eich diddordeb yn y rôl hon a darganfod mwy yn [email protected]
P.S. Bydd cefnogaeth ar gael gan Sue am yr wythnosau cyntaf. |
Croeso i aelod newydd, Cindy o Gwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Shining Stars CIC. Darparwr gofal plant ar gyfer y gymuned, sy'n ymroddedig i ddarparu amgylchedd cynnes a chynhwysol i blant ffynnu tra hefyd yn hyfforddi lleiafrifoedd ethnig mewn Gofal Plant |
Welcome to new member, Cindy from Shining Stars Cardiff CIC. A community driven childcare provider, dedicated to providing a warm and inclusive environment for children to flourish whilst also training ethnic minorities in Childcare |
Rhwydwaith Menter Gymdeithasol - Cynhelir gan PAVS ac Social Firms Wales
Dewch i ymuno â ni ar gyfer ein digwyddiad rhwydweithio menter
6ed o Fawrth
The Queens Hall
High Street Narberth SA67 7AS |
Pembrokeshire Social Enterprise Network - Hosted by PAVS and Social Firms Wales
Come join us for our next in person social enterprise networking event
6th March
The Queens Hall
High Street Narberth SA67 7AS |
17–23 Mawrth
Mae dros 80 o siaradwyr anhygoel yn dod at ei gilydd i rannu eu profiadau byw a'u harbenigedd.
Mae pob trafodaeth banel yn rhad ac am ddim ac yn agored i bawb. P'un a ydych chi'n chwilfrydig am weithleoedd niwrogynhwysol, addysg, safbwyntiau byd-eang, neu rywbeth arall, dyma’r digwyddiad i chi. |
17–23 March
Over 80 incredible speakers are coming together to share their lived experiences and expertise.
All panel discussions are free and open to everyone. Whether you're curious about neuro-inclusive workplaces, education, global perspectives, or something else, there’s an event for you. |
Fferm Wynt Alltraeth Gwastadeddau Rhyl
Mae'r gronfa ar agor ar gyfer ceisiadau am grant o £2,000 hyd at £10,000. Bydd yn gallu ariannu'r prosiectau cyfalaf a refeniw, a bydd angen i gefnogi cyflwyno o leiaf un o bedair thema y gronfa:
Cryfhau eich gymuned ar gyfer y dyfodol
Cynnwys eich cymuned ac adeiladu ysbryd cymunedol
Wella bywydau pobl lleol
Creu cyfleusterau lleol mwy dichonadwy
Rhyl Flats Offshore Wind Farm
The fund is open for grant applications from £2,000 up to £10,000. It will be able to fund both capital and revenue projects and will need to support the delivery of at least one of the fund’s four themes:
Strengthening your community for the future
Involving your community and building community spirit
Improving the lives of local people
Creating more viable local facilities
Grantiau er Gwell
Grantiau ar gael i elusennau bach, grwpiau gwirfoddol neu fentrau cymdeithasol sy'n tyfu ac sy'n cael effaith fawr ar gymunedau, pobl neu'r amgylchedd. Dyddiadau cau chwarterol, mae’r un nesaf 15 Mawrth |
Grants for Good
Grants available to small and growing local charities, voluntary groups or social enterprises that are making a big impact on communities, people or the environment. Quarterly deadlines, next one 15th March |
Mae Sefydliad Moondance yn cynnig grantiau i sefydliadau ac achosion sy'n darparu newidiadau trawsnewidiol mewn cymunedau yng Nghymru. |
The Moondance Foundation offers grants to organisations and causes that provide transformational changes in communities in Wales. |
Grantiau ar gyfer prosiectau sy'n mynd i'r afael ag ac atal dibyniaeth, neu gyffuriau o unrhyw ddisgrifiad, alcohol, toddyddion neu sylweddau caethiwus eraill |
Grants for projects tackling and preventing addiction, or drugs of any description, alcohol, solvents or other addictive substances. |
Mae ACAS wedi cyhoeddi cyngor newydd ar niwroamrywiaeth yn y gwaith i helpu cyflogwyr greu sefydliadau cynhwysol, a chodi ymwybyddiaeth. |
Acas has published new advice on neurodiversity at work to help employers create inclusive organisations and raise awareness. |
Cyfieithir y cylchlythyr hwn gan |
Welsh translation for this newsletter by |