Cylchlythyr - 06/03/2025 

Thursday, 06 March 2025
Cylchlythyr - 06/03/2025
Grantiau Cymunedol Sefydliad Wesleyan – Agor 10fed Mawrth
Grantiau rhwng £2,000 - £10,000 i gefnogi'r rhai sydd mewn angen yn ein cymunedau i gyflawni bywydau o ansawdd uchel trwy ariannu prosiectau cymunedol ac elusennau. Dyddiad cau 21 Ebrill
Wesleyan Foundation Community Grants – Opening 10th March
Grants of between £2,000 - £10,000 to support those who are in need in our communities to achieve high quality lives through funding community projects and charities. Deadline 21 April
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Grantiau menter a busnes SWEF
Crëwyd SWEF er mwyn cefnogi entrepreneuriaid ifanc (18-30 oed) i fuddsoddi yn eu menter ac/neu eu cefnogi i godi’r busnes i'r lefel nesaf. Blaenoriaeth y gronfa hon yw cefnogi'r rheiny o gefndiroedd difreintiedig. Dyddiad cau 17 Mawrth
SWEF - enterprise and business grants
SWEF has been created to support young entrepreneurs (aged 18-30) to invest in their business venture and/or support them to take their business to the next level. The priority for this fund is to support those with less advantage in their early life. Deadline 17 March
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Ymddiriedolaeth 1910 - Cynllun Grantiau Bach
Grantiau o hyd at £5,000 ar gael i sefydliadau yn ne Cymru er mwyn gwella ansawdd bywyd pobl ifanc, grwpiau neu gymunedau.
  • Hyrwyddo cynhwysiant mewn cymunedau.
  • Sicrhau bod pobl ifanc ac oedolion sy'n agored i niwed yn cael eu cefnogi neu eu helpu i gael mynediad at gymorth.
  • Hyrwyddo lles meddyliol, corfforol ac emosiynol unigolion neu grwpiau agored i niwed.
  • Darparu lletya diogel ar gyfer y rhai sy'n ddigartref
The 1910 Trust - Small Grants Scheme
Grants of up to £5,000 available to organisations in South Wales to
Improving the quality of life for young people, groups or communities.
  • Promoting inclusivity in communities.
  • Ensuring vulnerable young people and adults are supported or helped gain access to support.
  • Promoting the mental, physical and emotional well-being of vulnerable individuals or groups.
  • Providing safe supporting accommodation for those who are homeless
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Bŵtcamp i Fusnes Syniadau Mawr Cymru 2025
Mae’r Bŵtcamp i Fusnes yn gwrs preswyl dwyssydd wedi’i ariannu’n llawn (yn rhad ac am ddim i chi) sy’n cyfuno hyfforddiant, gweithgareddau a chymorth i roi gwynt dan adain eich busnes.

Os ydych chi rhwng 18 a 25 oed, yn uchelgeisiol ac yn awyddus i roi gwynt dan adain eich busnes, ond yn ansicr beth sydd angen i chi eei wneud nesaf, mae’r Bŵtcamp i Fusnes yn ddelfrydol i chi

Yn y Bŵtcamp i Fusnes byddwn yn mynd â chi drwy'r holl sgiliau a gwybodaeth sydd eu hangen arnoch i gychwyn eich busnes. O frandio a chyfryngau cymdeithasol, i gynaliadwyedd a phitsio, byddwn yn eich tywys trwy bopeth y gallwch ei ddisgwyl yn ystod y 12 mis cyntaf o fasnachu. 
Big Ideas Wales Bootcamp to Business 2025
Bootcamp to Business is a fully funded (no cost to you) residential course which combines training, activities and support to kick-start your business.

If you’re aged 18-25, ambitious and motivated to get your business off the ground, but not sure what you need to do next, then Bootcamp to Business is for you.

At Bootcamp to Business we will go through all the skills and knowledge you need to get your business started. From branding and social media, to sustainability and pitching, we will take you through everything you can expect in the first 12 months of trading.

The deadline has been extended to 10th March
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Cymorth i Ofalwyr Di-dâl
Os ydych chi'n ofalwr di-dâl, mae cymorth ar gael ar gyfer seibiannau byr ac i helpu'r rhai ar incwm isel i dalu am eitemau hanfodol. Bydd hyn yn ychwanegol i gefnogaeth awdurdodau lleol.

Darganfyddwch beth sydd ar gael i chi.
Support for Unpaid Carers
If you’re an unpaid carer, there’s support available for short breaks to provide respite and to help those on low incomes pay for essential items. This is in addition to the duties of local authorities to provide support.

Find out what you could benefit from

Cynllun Seibiant Byr | Break Scheme
Cronfa Cymorth i Ofalwyr | Carers Support Fund
Datganiad i’r wasg - Cyllid gwerth £5.25 miliwn gan Lywodraeth Cymru i helpu gofalwyr di-dâl | Press release - £5.25m Welsh Government funding to benefit unpaid carers
Mae cynllun Deallusrwydd Artiffisial i Fusnesau Bach Prydain wedi'i ddylunio i helpu perchnogion busnesau bach i ddatgloi potensial Deallusrwydd Artiffisial i wella eu busnesau a symleiddio eu bywydau. Gall gefnogi cyfathrebu, awtomeiddio tasgau, neu uwchwefru eich ymdrechion marchnata.
Er bod y cynllun yn llawn ar hyn o bryd, gallwch gofrestru ar y rhestr aros ar gyfer rhaglenni yn y dyfodol.
Small Business Britain - AI for Small Business programme is designed to help small business owners unlock the potential of AI to improve their businesses and simplify their lives. It can enhance communication, automating tasks, or supercharge your marketing efforts.

Whilst the programme is actually full up at the moment, you can sign up to the waiting list for future programmes

Cofrestrwch ar y rhestr aros fan hyn | Register on the waiting list here
Cyfieithir y cylchlythyr hwn gan
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dai : lingual


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