Cronfa Grant Trydydd Sector Castell-nedd Port Talbot
Grantiau o hyd at £25,000 i gefnogi gweithgareddau, prosiectau cymunedol, neu gostau gweithredol craidd ar gyfer blwyddyn ariannol 2025/2026, gan ganolbwyntio ar:
Mynd i'r afael â thlodi plant
Cefnogi mentrau iechyd meddwl
Helpu oedolion bregus
Dyddiad cau 24 Ionawr |
Neath Port Talbot Third Sector Grant Fund
Grants of up to £25,000, to support activities, community projects, or core operational costs for the 2025/2026 financial year, focusing on
Tackling child poverty
Supporting mental health initiatives
Aiding vulnerable adults
Deadline 24 January |