Clychlythyr - 31/10/2024

Thursday, 31 October 2024
Clychlythyr - 31/10/2024
Mae ein Prif Swyddog Gweithredol, Rosie, yn chwilio am astudiaethau achos fel rhan o weithdy y mae'n ei darparu er mwyn tynnu sylw at unigolion ag anableddau dysgu neu awtistiaeth sydd wedi ffynnu trwy gymryd rhan mewn cwmni cymdeithasol. Mae ganddi ddiddordeb arbennig mewn straeon am y rhai sydd wedi cael gwaith cyflogedig, yn ogystal â'r rhai sydd wedi cymryd camau sylweddol fel gwirfoddolwyr neu mewn lleoliadau gwaith. Os gallwch chi ei helpu, e-bostiwch [email protected]
Our CEO, Rosie, is seeking case studies highlighting individuals with learning disabilities or autism who have flourished through involvement in a social firm, as part of a workshop she is delivering. She’s especially interested in stories of those who have achieved paid employment, as well as those who have made significant strides as volunteers or in work placements. If you are able to help her, please email [email protected]
Croeso i aelod newydd Paul o Gwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Tax Academy. Maent yn helpu carcharorion gyda Chyllid a Thollau Ei Fawrhydi a'u materion treth tra byddant yn y carchar ac ar ôl eu rhyddhau i sicrhau eu bod yn gyfredol, a'u helpu i ddeall eu rhwymedigaethau treth.
Welcome to new member Paul from The Tax Academy CIC. They help prisoners with the HMRC and their tax affairs whilst in prison and after release to ensure that they are kept current and help them understand their tax obligations
Chwilotwch eu gwefan | Explore their website
Croeso i Liz o Learning Links International. Ar hyn o bryd eu ffocws yw dod o hyd i ffyrdd newydd o ymchwilio i'r hanesion a'r cysylltiadau a rennir rhwng cymunedau a gwledydd, ac adrodd y straeon hyn gan ddefnyddio ystod o ddulliau.
Welcome to Liz from Learning Links International. At present their focus is in finding new ways to research the shared histories and links between communities and countries, and telling these stories using a range of approaches.
Chwilotwch eu gwefan | Explore their website
Cliciwch ar y ddelwedd uchod i ddarganfod mwy | Click the image above to find out more
SWEF - grantiau menter a busnes
Mae SWEF wedi'i chreu i gefnogi entrepreneuriaid ifanc (18-30 oed) i fuddsoddi yn eu menter fusnes a/neu eu cefnogi i fynd â'u busnes i'r lefel nesaf.
Blaenoriaeth y gronfa hon yw cefnogi'r rhai sydd â llai o fantais yn eu bywyd cynnar, sy'n wynebu rhwystrau i fuddsoddi yn eu busnes ac na allant gynhyrchu cyllid o ffynonellau eraill. Dyddiad cau 12pm, 11 Tachwedd
SWEF - enterprise and business grants
SWEF has been created to support young entrepreneurs (aged 18-30) to invest in their business venture and/or support them to take their business to the next level.
The priority for this fund is to support those with less advantage in their early life, who face barriers to investing in their business and who may not be able to generate funding from other sources. Deadline 12pm, 11 November
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Grant Twf Sefydliadol Comic Relief
Grantiau rhwng £20,000 a £35,000 ar gael i sefydliadau gwirfoddol i wneud newidiadau strategol sy'n gwella eu heffaith ac yn cynyddu gwytnwch. Mae'r cynllun yn cynnig cyllid o dan y themâu canlynol:
  • Plant a phobl ifanc
  • Prosiectau cymunedol
  • Allgymorth sy'n canolbwyntio ar y teulu
  • Digartrefedd
  • Gwasanaethau iechyd meddwl
Dyddiad cau 6 Rhagfyr
The Comic Relief Organisational Growth Grant
Grants between £20,000 and £35,000 are available to voluntary organisations to make strategic changes that enhance their impact and increase resilience.
The scheme offers funding under the following themes:
  • Children and young
  • Community projects 
  • Family focused outreach and
  • Homelessness
  • Mental health services
Deadline 6 December 2024
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Mae enwebiadau ar gyfer Gwobr y Brenin am Wasanaeth Gwirfoddol ar agor.

Bob dydd, mae miliynau o bobl ledled y Deyrnas Gyfunol yn gwirfoddoli. Bob blwyddyn, dethlir enghreifftiau rhagorol o'r gwaith hwn trwy Wobr y Brenin am Wasanaeth Gwirfoddol. 

Yn cyfateb i MBE, dyma'r wobr uchaf a roddir i grwpiau gwirfoddol lleol yn y Deyrnas Gyfunol, ac fe'u dyfernir am oes. Dyddiad cau 1 Rhagfyr
Nominations for The King's Award for Voluntary Service is now open.

Every day, millions of people across the UK are making a difference by volunteering. Each year, outstanding examples of this work are celebrated through the King’s Award for Voluntary Service (KAVS). 

Equivalent to an MBE, KAVS is the highest Award given to local voluntary groups in the UK, and they are awarded for life. Deadline 1 December 
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Gwobrau Amrywiaeth a Chynhwysiant Cymru 2024,  ICC, Casnewydd ar 17 Rhagfy

Sut I i gyfranogi:

The Diversity & Inclusion Awards Wales 2024 - ICC, Newport - 17 December

Ways of getting involved:
Enwebu sefydliad neu unigolyn | Nominate an organisation or individual
Archebwch eich tocyn | Reserve your ticket
Darganfyddwch fwy am y digwyddiad | Find out more about the event
Mae Llywodraeth y Deyrnas Gyfunol yn cyflwyno Bil Hawliau Cyflogaeth nodedig gyda'r nod o foderneiddio hawliau gweithwyr, gwella amodau gwaith, a bod o fudd i fusnesau o bob maint, yn enwedig yn y sector cymdeithasol. Darllenwch  drosolwg byr CBC Roots HR o'r newidiadau allweddol a sut y gallant effeithio ar gyflogwyr bach.
The UK government is introducing a landmark Employment Rights Bill aimed at modernising workers’ rights, improving working conditions, and benefiting businesses of all sizes, especially in the social sector. Read Root's HR CIC's brief overview of the key changes and how they may impact small employers.
Darllenwch yr adroddiad yma | Read the article here
Trafod hunanladdiad yn y gweithle – Canllaw i reolwyr
Cefnogi gweithwyr y credwch sy’n ystyried hunanladdiad, a chefnogi aelodau'ch tîm pan fydd cydweithiwr, aelod o'r teulu neu ffrind yn marw wedi hunanladdiad.
Discussing suicide in the workplace – A guide for managers
Supporting employees you think may feel suicidal, and supporting your team members when a colleague, family member or friend dies from suicide.
Darllenwch fwy yma | Read more here
Cyfieithir y cylchlythyr hwn gan
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