Clychlythyr - 30/1/2025

Thursday, 30 January 2025
Clychlythyr - 30/1/2025
Croeso i'r aelod newydd James o Gwmni Buddiannau Cymunedol Silbers, sydd am drawsnewid bywydau trwy Addysg, Chwarae, a Natur.
Welcome to new member James from Silbers CIC who aims are to Transforming Lives through Education, Play, and Nature
Chwilotwch eu gwefan | Explore their website
O'r 25ain o Ionawr bydd Elizabeth Curtis o wasanaethau VA yn rhannu podlediad ar gyfer pobl anabl yn ymwneud â gosod targedau syml.  
"Ym mhennod y mis hwn o'r podlediad hwn am fyw gydag anhwylder diderfyn bydd, Caitlin Oliver yn ymuno â ni i archwilio gosod nodau hawdd. Rydym yn sôn am osod nodau realistig a hygyrch, a sut y gallwn gamu ymaith o bwysau er mwyn parhau i gyflawni mwy - ac yn hytrach gwerthfawrogi'r holl gerrig milltir ar hyd y daith."
From the 25th of January Elizabeth Curtis from Courtesy VA Services will be sharing a podcast on gentle goal setting, aimed at disabled people.  

"In this month's episode of the Alive with Chronic Illness Podcast we are joined by Caitlin Oliver to explore gentle goal setting. We talk about setting realistic and accessible goals, and how we can step away from pressure to keep achieving more and instead appreciate the journey with all the milestones along the way"
O Ionawr 25ain gallwch wrando ar y bennod fan hyn | From the 25th January you can listen to the episode here
Cynllun Cymunedol sy’n Tyfu'n Wyllt
Grantiau o hyd at £2,000 ar gael i sefydliadau dielw sy'n ceisio dod â phobl leol ynghyd i drawsnewid mannau trefol trwy hau a thyfu blodau gwyllt a ffyngau brodorol y Deyrnas Gyfunol. Mae'r cyllid hwn yn cefnogi costau megis hadau, planhigion, pridd, deunyddiau, digwyddiadau, gweithdai, arbenigedd arbenigol, a ffioedd contractwyr. Dyddiad cau 13 Chwefror
Grow Wild Community Programme
Grants of up to £2,000 are available to not-for-profit organisations that aim to bring local people together to transform urban spaces by sowing and growing UK native wildflowers and/or fungi. This funding supports costs such as seeds, plants, soil, materials, events, workshops, specialist expertise, and contractor fees. Deadline 13 February
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Cynllun SB i fentora Arweinwyr Busnes Benywaidd
Rhaglen ar gyfer y genhedlaeth nesaf o sylfaenwyr benywaidd uchelgeisiol a pherchnogion busnesau twf cyflym. Croesewir ceisiadau gan bobl nad sydd yn gwsmeriaid busnes Santander. Dyddiad cau 10 Chwefror
The Santander Breakthrough Women Business Leaders' Mentoring Programme
 The programme is for the next generation of fast-growth ambitious female founders and business owners. Applications are welcomed from those who are not Santander business customers. Deadline 10 February
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Mae sefydliad Bae Abertawe yn cynnig grantiau i brosiectau, grwpiau a sefydliadau yn Abertawe. Mae grantiau rhwng £300 a £3,000 i'w gwario o fewn tair blynedd; er mwyn gefnogi grwpiau cymunedol, elusennau lleol a syniadau newydd, gan helpu pobl angerddol i newid eu cymunedau lleol er gwell.
The Swansea Bay Foundation gives grants to projects, groups and organisations in Swansea. Grants are from £300 to £3,000, to be spent within three years, to support community groups, local charities and new ideas, helping passionate people make a difference in local communities.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Mae Mind Canol a Gogledd Powys yn cynnig hyfforddiant Iechyd Meddwl gweithle am ddim i staff sefydliadau ym Mhowys sydd â llai na 250 o weithwyr a throsiant o lai na £50 miliwn
Mind Mid and North Powys is offering free Mental Health workplace training for staff of organisations based in Powys, with less than 250 employees and a turnover of less than £50 million.  
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Hyfforddiant am ddim gan Planed
19eg Chwefror
  • Ehangu eich Cyrhaeddiad Cymunedol gyda'r cyfryngau cymdeithasol 10.00 i 12.00
  • Ceisiadau Cyllid Llwyddiannus 14.00 – 16.00
Mae sesiwn galw heibio hefyd rhwng y 2 sesiwn lle byddwn ar gael ar gyfer cwestiynau, ac ati.
Free training from Planed
19th February
  • Widening your Community Reach with social media  10.00 to 12.00
  • Tools for Successful Funding bids 14.00 – 16.00
 There is also a drop-in session between the 2 sessions where we will be available for questions, etc.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Bil Hawliau Cyflogaeth: Beth sy'n newid?
Employment Rights Bill: What’s Changing? 
Darganfyddwch yma | Find out here
Cyfieithir y cylchlythyr hwn gan
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dai : lingual


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