Clychlythyr - 26/11/2020

Thursday, 26 November 2020
Clychlythyr - 26/11/2020
Gweminar - A all prynwyr y sector choeddus brynu oddi wrthych? – 1 Rhagfyr
Os ydych erioed wedi dymuno gwneud cais am gontractau i'ch awdurdod lleol neu eich bwrdd iechyd lleol, yna mae'r weminar hon ar eich cyfer chi!
Mae'r weminar yn addas ar gyfer:
  • Busnesau cymdeithasol sy'n archwilio a yw caffael yn y sector cyhoeddus yn addas ar eu cyfer
  • Busnesau cymdeithasol y mae angen iddynt ailystyried cyfleoedd i gaffael yn y sector cyhoeddus wrth i'w busnes newid o ganlyniad i'r pandemig
  • Gweithwyr proffesiynol ym maes caffael sydd am ddysgu rhagor am yr hyn y gall busnesau cymdeithasol ei gynnig
Webinar - Can public sector buyers buy from you? – 1 December
If you’ve ever wanted to apply for contracts with your local authority or health board then this webinar is for you!
This webinar is suitable for:
  • Social businesses investigating whether accessing public sector procurement is for them
  • Social businesses who need to relook at public sector procurement opportunities as their business changes as a result of the pandemic
  • Procurement professionals who would like to learn more about what social businesses can offer
Cronfa Gweithwyr Llawrydd Cam 3 – Agor 23 Tachwedd
Yn dilyn y galw uchel am gyllid ar draws y sectorau celfyddydol a diwylliannol bydd £10.7 miliwn ar gael i gefnogi sefydliadau ac unigolion yn ystod y pandemig coronafeirws.
Caiff y cyllid ei ddefnyddio i agor trydydd cam y Gronfa Gweithwyr Llawrydd llwyddiannus fydd yn gweld £3.5 miliwn pellach ar gael ledled y wlad ar draws pob ardal awdurdod lleol.
Freelancer Fund Phase 3. Open - 23 November 
Following high demand for funding support across the arts and cultural sectors a further £10.7 million will be made available to support organisations and individuals during the pandemic.

The funding will be used to open a third phase of the successful Freelancer Fund which will see a further £3.5 million being made available nationwide across all local authority areas.
Cymorth iechyd meddwl ledled Cymru
Cyhoeddwyd gan Diverse Cymru y byddant yn lansio gwasanaeth newydd i Gymru gyfan cyn bo hir, gyda chyllid gan Lywodraeth Cymru, er mwyn cefnogi Pobl Dduon ac Asiaidd a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig dan fygythiad sydd angen cymorth iechyd meddwl. Maent am ychwanegu at eu gwasanaethau adfer iechyd meddwl arbenigol er mwyn cynnig: 
  • Gwasanaethau mewn ieithoedd cymunedol
  • Cymorth ffôn un-i-un a chyfarfodydd arlein
  • Cymorth arlein gan gyfoedion
  • Hyfforddiant digidol a chymorth i fynd arlein
Am fwy o wybodaeth cysylltwch â: [email protected]  / 029 2036 8888
Mental Health Support across Wales
Diverse Cymru have announced that with funding from Welsh Government, they will soon launch a new Wales-wide service to support vulnerable BAME people who require mental health support. Building on their specialist mental health recovery services, they will be offering:
  • Services in community languages
  • One to one telephone support and online meetings
  • Online peer support
  • Digital training and help to get online
For more information contact: [email protected] / 029 2036 8888
Sefydliad 7 Seren
Bydd elusennau sydd â throsiant o lai nag £1.5 miliwn y flwyddyn sy'n gweithio gyda phobl ifanc wedi'u heffeithio gan argyfwng Covid-19 a oedd eisoes mewn perygl o niwed  yn gallu gwneud cais am grantiau anghyfyngedig o hyd at £2,500
The 7 Stars Foundation
Charities with a turnover of less than £1.5 million per year and who are working with at-risk young people affected by the covid-19 crisis will be able to apply for unrestricted grants of up to £2,500
Sefydliad Asda - Cynllun Grant Bwydo Cymunedau
Cyllid i ddarparu prydau bwyd i'r rhai mewn angen yn ystod y cyfnod cyn y Nadolig. Gall elusennau, cwmnïau buddiannau cymunedol, clybiau neu gymdeithasau anghorfforedig, a sefydliadau dielw eraill ledled y Deyrnas Gyfunol wneud cais am grantiau o hyd at £1,000 i ddarparu prydau bwyd sy'n costio £4 neu lai ar gyfer unigolion, teuluoedd a chlybiau gwyliau iachus. Gellid defnyddio’r cyllid er mwyn darparu parseli bwyd, dosbarthu neu gasglu prydau Nadolig a hamperi Nadolig, neu ddarparu cymorth ar gyfer ceginau cawl/canolfannau digartref, a chanolfannau cymunedol lleol sy'n darparu prydau bwyd. Dylid gwneud ceisiadau drwy Hyrwyddwr Cymunedol eich siop Asda leol sydd â'r cyfrifoldeb o gefnogi prosiectau.
Dyddiad cau 6 Rhagfyr
Asda Foundation- Feeding Communities Grant Scheme
Funding to provide meals for those in need in the run up to Christmas. Charities, community interest companies, unincorporated clubs or associations, and other not-for-profit organisations across the UK can apply for grants of up to £1,000 to provide meals costing £4 or less for individuals, families, and children’s healthy holiday clubs. Funding could be used to provide food parcels, Christmas meal delivery or collection, and Christmas hampers, or provide support for soup kitchens/homeless centres, and local community centres providing meal deliveries. Applications should be made through each local Asda store’s Community Champion whose role is to support projects. Deadline 6 December


Cadwch mewn cyswllt gyda ein rhwydwaith cymdeithasol

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