Fe'ch gwahoddir i Ddiwrnod Agored V21 Sbectrwm ar Dachwedd 8fed
Dyma gyfle i archwilio'r ganolfan ac ymweld â phrosiectau V21. Bydd cwis, raffl, a chacennau, a helfa ysglyfaethus i blant ac oedolion!
Diwrnod Agored yn dechrau 11yb, Cyfarfod Cyffredinol Blynyddol 2.30yp.
Mae angen RSVP fel bod modd cael rhagamcan o niferoedd. |
You're invited to V21 Sbectrwm Open Day, 8th November
A chance to explore the centre and visit V21 projects. There will also be a children's and adults' scavenger hunt, a quiz, raffle, and cake!
Open Day starts 11am, AGM 2.30pm
Please RSVP so they can get a headcount. |