19 Hills CIC has the goal of supporting local communities with health and social care innovation, energy generation and security and opportunities for young people in digital technologies and data science.

Thursday, 05 December 2024
This month's Spotlight is on 19 Hills CIC
Image: Jodie Marie Photography and Wellness
A social enterprise – 19 Hills CIC – has been launched by two NHS primary care professionals and community members in Ringland and Always in east Newport, with the goal of supporting local communities once a new health and wellbeing centre opens next year. The 19 Hills CIC officially launched on Wednesday, October 16, with an event at Celtic Manor in Newport.
The CIC aims to provide additional projects and services to complement local services and regeneration, with the aim of supporting collaboration among partners and ensuring the needs and voice of local community members is front and centre amidst the investment coming into the area.
Dr Jonny Currie, who is a GP at one of the practices being hosted in the new centre, has co-founded the CIC alongside practice nurse Matthew Throne.
Jonny and Matt said: “We want to see the regeneration and investment in Ringland and Alway giving maximal benefit to local residents, which is why we created a community-led organisation that can coordinate and steer local services and partners.
"Furthermore, with ongoing austerity in the public sector and a tendency where funding exists towards short-term grants, we see partnerships with universities, innovation organisations and the business sector as being key to providing us the long-term revenue that we know we need in 19 Hills."
Video: 19 Hills CIC

The CIC is looking to work with local and national partners with an interest in a wide range of areas with potential to support local residents including health and social care innovation, energy generation and security and opportunities for young people in digital technologies and data science.

A Go Fund Me page is available  highlighting a small number of projects the CIC will soon kickstart.
If you would like to contact Matt or Jonny and the CIC you can e-mail them at [email protected].
Llun: Jodie Marie Photography and Wellness
Mae menter gymdeithasol – 19 Hills CIC – wedi cael ei lansio gan ddau weithiwr gofal sylfaenol proffesiynol y GIG ac aelodau o’r gymuned yn Ringland ac Alway yn nwyrain Casnewydd. Nod y fenter yw cefnogi cymunedau lleol unwaith y bydd canolfan iechyd a lles newydd yn agor y flwyddyn nesaf. Cafodd 19 Hills CIC ei lansio’n swyddogol ddydd Mercher, 16 Hydref gyda digwyddiad yng ngwesty’r Celtic Manor yng Nghasnewydd.
Nod y CIC yw darparu prosiectau a gwasanaethau ychwanegol i ategu gwasanaethau ac adfywio lleol. Mae’r fenter am gefnogi cydweithio rhwng partneriaid a sicrhau bod anghenion a llais aelodau’r gymuned leol yn flaenllaw ac yn ganolog i’r buddsoddiad a ddaw i’r ardal.
Mae Dr Jonny Currie, sy’n feddyg teulu yn un o’r meddygfeydd sy’n cael eu cynnal yn y ganolfan newydd, wedi cydsefydlu’r CIC gyda’r nyrs, Matthew Thorne.

Dywedodd y ddau: “Rydyn ni am weld yr adfywio a’r buddsoddiad yn Ringland ac Alway yn rhoi’r budd mwyaf posibl i drigolion lleol. Dyna pam wnaethon ni greu sefydliad dan arweiniad y gymuned sy’n gallu cydlynu a llywio gwasanaethau a phartneriaid lleol.
"Ar ben hynny, gyda llymder parhaus yn y sector cyhoeddus ac unrhyw gyllid sydd ar gael yn tueddu i fynd tuag at grantiau tymor byr, rydyn ni’n gweld partneriaethau â phrifysgolion, sefydliadau arloesi a'r sector busnes yn allweddol i roi'r refeniw hirdymor y mae ei angen arnon ni yn 19 Hills."

Fideo: 19 Hills CIC
Mae’r CIC yn edrych i weithio gyda phartneriaid lleol a chenedlaethol sydd â diddordeb mewn ystod eang o feysydd. Bydd gan y meysydd hyn y potensial i gefnogi trigolion lleol, gan gynnwys, arloesi ym maes iechyd a gofal cymdeithasol, cynhyrchu a diogelwch ynni, cyfleoedd i bobl ifanc mewn technolegau digidol a gwyddor data.
Mae tudalen Go Fund Me ar gael sy’n tynnu sylw at nifer fach o brosiectau y bydd y CIC yn eu dechrau yn fuan.
Os hoffech chi gysylltu â Matt neu Jonny a'r CIC, gallwch anfon e-bost atyn nhw drwy [email protected].


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