Qualia Law

Monday, 10 January 2022
Qualia Law

Social Firms Wales would like to take this opportunity to introduce our new members Qualia Law. Their services could be of benefit to people within your organisation or alternatively, please forward this email on as this service is not only restricted to our members  There will be articles in our newsletter throughout the year giving advice on changes to legislation or specific updates on what they are doing and specific advice topics.

Qualia Law CIC is a newly established non-profit social enterprise providing free legal advice and support to neuro-diverse people, such as those living with dementia, brain injury or learning disability. Qualia Law’s specialist advice covers issues such as: mental capacity, financial safeguarding, lasting power of attorney and the court of protection. Qualia Law are accessible directly by neuro-diverse people or by their family, friends, carers or professionals in the social care or third sectors.
Qualia Law’s Court of Protection and LPA services allow vulnerable or incapacitated people’s finances to be safeguarded by expert solicitors without incurring the fees often associated with a private sector law firm. As well as providing free advice and support, Qualia also delivers free training sessions for social care and third sector professionals in order to raise awareness about financial abuse and the options available to vulnerable people.
Qualia Law is a member of AdviceUK and is funded by the Charities Aid Foundation, the National Lottery, and UnLtd.

Its expert solicitors are qualified and regulated by the solicitor’s regulation authority.

To find out more visit www.Qualia-Law.org. and for free advice or to discuss Qualia’s free training services, email [email protected] or call 07961507940.


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