Newsletter - 9/11/2023

Thursday, 09 November 2023
Newsletter - 9/11/2023
Rhaglen Arbenigol Banc Lloyds
Grantiau anghyfyngedig o hyd at £75,000 ar gael i elusennau sy'n cefnogi
  • Dibyniaeth
  • Ceiswyr Lloches a Ffoaduriaid
  • Ymadawyr Gofal
  • Dioddefwyr Cam-drin Domestig
  • Digartrefedd
  • Cyn-droseddwyr
  • Dioddefwyr Cam-drin a Cham-fanteisio Rhywiol
  • Dioddefwyr Masnachu a Chaethwasiaeth Fodern
Dyddiad cau 25 Ionawr
Lloyds Bank Specialist Programme
Unrestricted grants of up to £75,000 available to charities who support 
  • Addiction
  • Asylum Seekers and Refugees
  • Care Leavers
  • Victims of Domestic Abuse
  • Homelessness
  • Offenders
  • Victims of Sexual Abuse and Exploitation
  • Victims of Trafficking and Modern Slavery
Deadline 25 January
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Wythnos Elusennau Cymreig: 13-17 Tachwedd 2023
Mae'r wythnos hon yn cydnabod gwaith elusennau, mentrau cymdeithasol, mudiadau gwirfoddol a grwpiau cymunedol a gwirfoddol yng Nghymru.
Welsh Charities Week - 13 – 17 November 2023.
The week is about recognising the work of charities, social enterprises, voluntary organisations and community and volunteer groups in Wales.
Darganfyddwch sut y gallwch chi gyfranogi | Find out how you can get involved.
Gweminar diogelu ar gyfer ymddiriedolwyr yng Nghymru ar 14 Tachwedd
Dywed y Comisiwn Elusennau, 'Fel rhan o gyflawni dyletswyddau eich ymddiriedolwr, boed yn gweithio ar-lein neu'n bersonol, rhaid i chi gymryd camau rhesymol er mwyn amddiffyn y bobl sy'n dod i gysylltiad â'ch elusen rhag niwed.'
Ymunwch â Thîm Llywodraethu a Diogelu Cyngor Gweithredu Gwirfoddol Cymru am gyflwyniad ar ddiogelu i ymddiriedolwyr elusennau. Bydd y gweminar hwn yn ymdrin â chanllawiau'r Comisiwn Elusennau, yr hyn y disgwylir i elusennau ei gael yn ei le ac arfer gorau wrth ddiogelu. Bydd amser ar ddiwedd y gweminar ar gyfer cwestiynau.
Safeguarding webinar for trustees in Wales - 14 November 
The Charity Commission states that, ‘As part of fulfilling your trustee duties, whether working online or in person, you must take reasonable steps to protect from harm people who come into contact with your charity.’

Join WCVA’s Governance and Safeguarding Team for an introduction to safeguarding for charity trustees. This webinar will cover the Charity Commission guidance, what charities are expected to have in place and best practice in safeguarding. There will be time at the end of the webinar for questions.

Archebwch yma | Book here
Dweud eich gwneud!
O ran codi arian, mae'n bwysicach nag erioed arddangos pwysigrwydd eich elusen.
Mae elusennau neu sefydliadau bach yn aml yn cuddio eu cyflawniadau, gan ganolbwyntio cymaint ar eu cenhadaeth, fel y gall hyrwyddo cyflawniadau teimlo yn ddiwerth ac felly’n isel ar y rhestr o flaenoriaethau. Fodd bynnag, mae dangos effaith eich gwaith yn helpu pobl i gael mewnwelediad, dealltwriaeth a theimlad o gysylltiad â'ch cenhadaeth. Gall cefnogi eich elusen yn ariannol fod yn un ffordd iddynt wneud cyfraniad ystyrlon. Fodd bynnag, os nad ydyn nhw'n gwybod amdanoch chi, ac os nad ydych chi'n cynnu’r cysylltiad, ni fydd modd ennyn y gefnogaeth honno.
"Stop showing off!"
In the realm of fundraising, it's more critical than ever to showcase your charity's greatness. Small charities or organisations frequently hide their accomplishments, focusing so much on their mission, that promoting their achievements may seem counterintuitive and low down on their list of priorities. However, showing the impact of your work helps people gain insight, understanding, and a sense of connection to your mission. Supporting your charity financially can be one way for them to make a meaningful contribution. However, if they don’t know about you, and if you are not building a connection, that support remains untapped.
If you need help getting started, click here
Weminar yn rhad ac am ddim gan ACAS
Absenoldeb salwch: cefnogi eich staff
Mae'r gweminar hwn yn edrych ar sut y gall cyflogwyr reoli salwch yn effeithiol a'r broses dychwelyd i'r gwaith. Bydd yn cwmpasu:
  • gwahanol fathau o absenoldeb
  • sut i gefnogi gweithwyr yn y gwaith i helpu lleihau absenoldeb
  • Sut i gefnogi staff yn ystod absenoldeb
  • COVID hir
  • sut i roi ar waith a chynnal system dychwelyd i'r gwaith llwyddiannus
FREE Webinar from ACAS

Sickness absence: supporting your staff
This webinar looks at how employers can effectively manage sickness and the return to work process.
It will cover:

  • different types of absence
  • how to support employees at work to help reduce absence
  • how to support staff during absence
  • long covid
  • how to put in place and maintain a successful return to work
Archebwch yma | Book here - sickness absence 8 Dec


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