Newsletter - 5/12/2024

Thursday, 05 December 2024
Newsletter - 5/12/2024
Chwilio am syniadau anrhegion Nadolig?

Mae gan BCW anrhegion Nadolig delfrydol!

Gallwch brynu ar-lein, ym Marchnad Nadolig Caerdydd neu yn eu siop; 1 Struet, Aberhonddu.
Looking for Christmas Presents ideas?

Beacons Creative Wales has the ideal Christmas gifts waiting just for you!

You can buy online, at Cardiff Christmas Market or in their shop at 1 The Struet, Brecon.
Skincare range | Gofal croen
Candle range | Canhwyllau
All of Beacon's products are made by vulnerable adults in the Brecon Beacons.
Cynhyrchwyd holl gynnyrch BCW gan oedolion bregus Bannau Brycheiniog.
Buy Now | Prynu nawr
Cronfa Budd Cymunedol Fferm Wynt Garreg Lwyd
Mae'r gronfa gymunedol ar agor i geisiadau gan grwpiau a phrosiectau sydd o fudd i'r cymunedau sy'n byw yn ardaloedd y cynghorau cymunedol canlynol:
  • Bugeildy
  • Betws y Crwyn
  • Ceri
  • Llanbister
  • Llanbadarn Fynydd
Dyddiad cau 20 Rhagfyr
Garreg Lwyd Hill Wind Farm Community Benefit Fund
The community fund is open to applications from groups and projects which benefit the communities living in the following community council areas:
  • Beguildy
  • Bettws y Crwyn
  • Kerry
  • Llanbister
  • Llanbadarn Fynydd
 Deadline 20 December
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Lansiad 3ydd cylch Cynllun Grantiau Bach y Trydydd Sector - Cronfa Gweithredu Cymunedol i’r Fro
Grantiau o hyd at £5,000 ar gael i gefnogi gweithredu cymunedol a gwirfoddoli sydd am wella'r gymuned leol, yr amgylchedd lleol ac iechyd a lles pobl ym Mro Morgannwg.  Dyddiad cau hanner dydd 2 Ionawr
GVS launches the third round of their Third Sector Small Grants Scheme - Community Action Fund
Grants of up to £5,000 available to support community action and volunteering which aims to improve the local community, local environment and the health and wellbeing of people in the Vale of Glamorgan.  Deadline noon 2 January
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Rhaglen arbennig
Cynllun o gymorth i ddatblygu wedi'i deilwra ochr-yn-ochr â grant tair blynedd anghyfyngedig o £75,000 ar gyfer elusennau bach, lleol, arbenigol sy'n cefnogi pobl â materion cymhleth megis digartrefedd, cam-drin domestig a dibyniaeth.
Dyddiad cau 23 Ionawr
Specialist programme
A programme of tailored development support alongside a three-year unrestricted grant of £75,000 for small, local, specialist charities supporting people with complex issues such homelessness, domestic abuse and addiction.
Deadline 23 January
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Arian Loteri ar gyfer y Celfyddydau, iechyd a lles
Nod y cynllun hwn yw cefnogi partneriaethau o bob rhan o'r celfyddydau, iechyd, gofal cymdeithasol a'r trydydd sector i ddarparu prosiectau creadigol o ansawdd uchel sy'n darparu buddion iechyd a lles i bobl Cymru. Dyddiad cau 22 Ionawr
Arts, Health and Wellbeing Lottery Funding
The aim of this programme is to support partnerships from across the arts, health, social care and third sectors to provide high-quality creative projects that deliver health and wellbeing benefits for the people of Wales. Deadline 22 January
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Mae rownd gyllido Galwad Agored y Gronfa Gwaddol Ieuenctid yn gwahodd cynigion sy'n gweithio i leihau trais ymysg pobl ifanc. Ar gyfer sefydliadau sy'n barod i werthuso eu gwaith yn drylwyr.
The Youth Endowment Fund’s Open Call funding round invites proposals from delivery organisations that work to reduce young people’s involvement in violence and are ready for rigorous evaluation.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Lleisiau Cudd
Grantiau o hyd at £20,000 ar gael i elusennau a Chwmnïau Buddiannau Cymunedol i alluogi a darparu cymorth iechyd meddwl a lles hygyrch i'r rhai sydd ag anghenion na glywir yn aml yng nghymunedau'r Lluoedd Arfog. Dyddiad cau 8 Ionawr
Hidden Voices
Grants of up to £20,000 available to  charities and CIC's to enable and deliver accessible mental health and wellbeing support for those with seldom heard needs in Armed Forces communities. Deadline 8 January
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Straeon yr adran: Sut mae cymunedau yn ail-ddychmygu sefydliad cenedlaethol
Ymunwch â PtC wrth iddynt lansio eu hadroddiad diweddaraf yn arddangos y cymunedau ledled y wlad sy’n ail-greu siopau mawrion er mwyn sefydlu lleoliadau bywiog i’w cymunedau. 11 Rhagfyr 12.30pm
Department stories: How communities are reimagining a national institution
Join Power to Change as they launch their latest report showcasing the communities across the country repurposing empty department stores to create vibrant spaces in their communities. 11 December 12.30pm
Cofrestrwch yma | Register here
Cyfieithir y cylchlythyr hwn gan
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dai : lingual


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