Sefyll gyda’n gilydd
Grantiau o hyd at £25,000 er mwyn cefnogi sefydliadau i gryfhau a gweithio'n fwy effeithiol, gan ddiwallu anghenion menywod a merched yn well, a dylanwadu ar newid ehangach i bob menyw a merch. Mae'n ariannu meysydd sy'n gysylltiedig â datblygu sefydliadol; gan gynnwys strategaeth, llywodraethu, arweinyddiaeth, cael llais cryfach o fewn mudiad y menywod, datblygu cynghreiriau, codi arian, effaith, systemau a phrosesau. Dyddiad cau 30 Gorffennaf |
Stand with us fund
Grants of up to £25,000 to support organisations to become stronger and more effective; better meeting the needs of women and girls and influencing wider change for all women and girls. It funds areas related to organisational development, including strategy, governance, leadership, having a stronger voice within the women’s movement, building alliances, fundraising, impact, systems and processes. Deadline 30 July |