Newsletter - 25/7/2024

Thursday, 25 July 2024
Newsletter - 25/7/2024
Croeso i aelod newydd, Laura o Romodels.
Eu nod yw grymuso dysgwyr i ddarganfod, profi a chredu mewn dyfodol o bosibiliadau gyrfa diddiwedd, waeth beth yw eu profiadau byw eu hunain; a hynny trwy adnodd dysgu ar-lein arloesol ar gyfer ysgolion cynradd, sy'n galluogi dysgwyr 3-11 mlwydd oed i weld a rhyngweithio â "Romodels" arloesol (esiamplau da o fywyd go iawn o bobl sy'n gweithio mewn swyddi anhygoel yn y byd go iawn).
Welcome to new member Laura from Romodels. Their aim is to empower learners to discover
experience and believe in a future of endless career possibilities, regardless of their own lived experiences through innovative online learning resource for schools that enables primary-aged learners (ages 3-11) to discover, experience and believe in a future of career possibilities through seeing and interacting with trailblazing “Romodels” (real-life role models who are doing incredible jobs in the real world).
Croeso i aelod newydd Elizabeth o wasanaethau VA Courtesey.
Gwasanaethau mentora a chymorth rhithwir ar gyfer busnesau ac unigolion; cefnogi pobl sy'n niwroamrywiol neu sydd ag anabledd.
Welcome to new member Elizabeth from Courtesy VA Services. A mentoring and virtual assistance services for businesses and individual; supporting people who are neurodivergent or have a disability.
Croeso i aelod newydd Martin sy'n sefydlu RP er mwyn helpu sicrhau cydbwysedd rhwng bywyd a phoen gydag offer hyfforddi personol a theclynnau gwrth-boen.
Welcome to new member Martin who is setting up Reframing Pain, to help achieving pain life balance with personalised coaching and pain science tools.
Gŵyl Haf V21!
Ar Ddydd Gwener, Awst 2il, rhwng 10am a 2pm, mae V21 yn cynnal diwrnod o hwyl i'r teulu yng Nghanolfan Sbectrwm V21 yng Nghaerdydd. Bydd yna ystod eang o bethau i’w mwynhau, gan gynnwys:
  • Gemau a gweithgareddau i blant ac oedolion
  • Lluniaeth blasus
  • Stondinau crefft
  • A llawer mwy!
Bydd yr holl elw o'r digwyddiad er budd V21 a'u prosiectau.
V21 Summer Festival!
On Friday, August 2nd, from 10am to 2pm, V21 are hosting a day of family fun at V21 Sbectrwm Centre in Cardiff. There will be something for everyone to enjoy, including:
  • Games and activities for all ages
  • Delicious refreshments
  • Craft stalls
  • And much more!
Plus, all proceeds from the event will go to support V21 and their projects. 
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Sefydliad Elusennol Skipton
Grantiau o hyd at £6,000 ar gael i elusennau cofrestredig. Eu pwrpas yw bod o fudd i blant ac oedolion; yn enwedig y rhai sy'n byw mewn ardaloedd difreintiedig yn gymdeithasol, gan ddefnyddio addysg i ddatblygu sgiliau craidd a chefnogi lles ac iechyd meddwl. Mae'r dyddiadau cau bob chwarter, y dyddiad cau nesaf ar 31 Gorffennaf.
Skipton Charitable Foundation
Grants of up to £6,000 available to registered charities whose purpose is to benefit children and adults particularly those living in socially deprived areas, through education to develop core skills and support wellbeing and mental health. Deadlines are quarterly, the next deadline 31 July.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Mae BA 4 Da am ddefnyddio eu sgiliau i helpu elusennau neu grwpiau cymunedol i ddatrys eu problemau, gan gynnwys
  • Adolygu Strategaeth
  • Deall gwahanol fathau o gwsmeriaid/ cleientiaid / cysylltiadau a theilwra strategaethau cyfathrebu yn unol â hynny
  • Gwella gweithgareddau cyfryngau a phresenoldeb arlein
  • Nodi'r gofynion ar gyfer gweithgareddau, systemau, ffyrdd newydd o weithio neu ddigwyddiadau
a llawer mwy o feysydd o gymorth
BA 4 Good want to use their skills to help charities or community groups solve their problems, including 
  • Reviewing your Strategy
  • Understand your different types of customers/clients/contacts and tailor communication strategies accordingly
  • Improve media activities and website presence
  • Identify requirements for new activities, systems, ways of working, or events 
and many more areas of support
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Discover more here
Yn ddiweddar, mae BDF wedi diweddaru eu Pecyn Cymorth Iechyd Meddwl:
  • Argyfwng costau byw – cefnogi iechyd meddwl gweithwyr,
  • Lles a gwytnwch gweithwyr,
  • Rheoli sefyllfaoedd difrifol,
  • Cael sgyrsiau sensitif,
  • iechyd meddwl a rhyngblethedd.
Business Disability Forum have recently updated their free Mental Health Toolkit 
  • Cost of living crisis – supporting the mental health of employees,
  • Employee wellbeing and resilience,
  • Managing serious situations,
  • Having sensitive conversations,
  • Mental health and intersectionality.
Hawliwch eich pecyn cymorth am ddim yma | Get your free toolkit here
Cyfieithir y cylchlythyr hwn gan
Welsh translation for this newsletter by
dai : lingual


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