Newsletter - 24/5/2024

Monday, 27 May 2024
Newsletter - 24/5/2024
Cronfa paratoi at y dyfodol
Bydd y gronfa'n darparu busnesau micro, bach a chanolig cymwys yn y sectorau manwerthu, lletygarwch a hamdden:
  • Grant arian cyfatebol ar gyfer cyllid cyfalaf rhwng £5,000 a £10,000, ni fydd unrhyw gostau refeniw yn gymwys i gael cyllid
  • Mae'r grant i'w ddefnyddio'n gyfan gwbl yn ystod y flwyddyn ariannol 2024 - 2025,
  • Bydd y grant yn cael ei fuddsoddi mewn mesurau i baratoi y busnes at y dyfodol.
Future Proof Funding
The fund will provide eligible micro, small and medium businesses in the retail, hospitality, and leisure sectors:
  • A match-funded grant for capital funding between £5,000 - £10,000, no revenue costs will be eligible for funding
  • The grant is to be used entirely during the financial year 2024 - 2025,
  • The grant is to be invested in measures to future proof the business
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Discover more here
Grantiau hyd at £50,000 ar gael ar gyfer prosiectau sy'n tyfu gweithgareddau arloesol yn niwydiant sero net De-orllewin Cymru. Dyddiad cau 19 Mehefin
Innovate UK
Grants of up to £50,000 available for projects that grow innovation activities in net zero industry in South West Wales. Deadline 19 June
Darllenwch fwy yma | Read more here
gofod3 yw’r digwyddiad mwyaf o’i fath i’r sector gwirfoddol yng Nghymru.
Waeth a ydych chi’n ymddiriedolwr, yn aelod staff, yn wirfoddolwr neu’n bob un o’r rhain, dyma’ch gofod chi i fyfyrio, dysgu a chynllunio ar gyfer y dyfodol.
gofod3 is an event organised by WCVA, in collaboration with the voluntary sector in Wales and is the biggest voluntary sector event of its kind in Wales.
Whether you’re a trustee, staff member, volunteer or all three, this is your space to reflect, learn and plan for the future
Darganfyddwch pam y dylech chi fynychu ac archebu eich lle. | Find out why you should attend and book your place here.
Bydd gan Gwmnïau Cymdeithasol Cymru stondin yn gofod3. Os hoffech chi ein bod ni hyrwyddo eich busnes ar ein stondin, anfonwch daflenni atom. Cysylltwch â Ravi am fwy o wybodaeth:
[email protected] 
Social Firms Wales is having a stall at gofod3. If you would like us to promote your business on our stall you may send us some leaflets. Please contact Ravi for more information on [email protected] 
Ydych chi erioed wedi ystyried gwneud cais am gontractau cyngor? Ydych chi'n gwybod ble i edrych neu sut i wneud cais?

Mae gwneud cais am gontractau a gwerthu gwasanaethau i gyrff cyhoeddus yn gallu ymddangos yn broses frawychus. Mae’r gweithdy ymarferol hwn wedi cael ei ddarparu gan Cwmpas a Chyngor Bwrdeistref Sirol Pen-y-bont ar Ogwr. Mae’r gweithdy wedi'i anelu at fusnesau bach, sefydliadau cymunedol a mentrau cymdeithasol lle byddwn yn eich tywys drwy'r broses o wneud cais am gontractau’r sector cyhoeddus.

Have you ever considered applying for council contracts? Would you know where to look, or how to apply?

Bidding for contracts and selling services to public bodies can seem daunting. In this hands-on workshop delivered by Cwmpas and Bridgend County Borough Council, and aimed at small businesses, community organisations and social enterprises, we will walk you through the process.

Archebwch eich lle rhad ac am ddim fan hyn | Book your free place here
Mae Arweinwyr Cymdeithasol Cymru newydd gael ei lansio, mae'n rhaglen sy'n cynnig hyfforddiant arweinyddiaeth am ddim i gefnogi arweinwyr mentrau gwirfoddol, cymunedol a chymdeithasol ar bob cam yn eu taith arweinyddiaeth.

Mae'r rhaglen yn bartneriaeth rhwng Cwmpas, Clore Social Leadership a WCVA/CGGC ac mae'n cael ei hariannu gan Gronfa Gymunedol y Loteri Genedlaethol.

Bydd tair rhaglen Arweinydd Cymunedol gyda sesiynau ar-lein a wyneb-i-wyneb yn cael ei chynnal dros chwe mis, a rhaglen ar-lein Arweinydd Cenedlaethol wedi'i hanelu at arweinwyr Newydd a Phrofiadol.

Mae ceisiadau ar agor ar hyn o bryd ar gyfer Arweinydd Cymunedol Wrecsam. Dyddiad cau ar gyfer ceisiadau Dydd Llun 24 Mehefin
Social Leaders Cymru has recently launched, offering free leadership training to support voluntary, community and social enterprise leaders at all stages in their leadership journey.

The programme is a partnership between Cwmpas, Clore Social Leadership and WCVA and is being funded by the National Lottery Community Fund.

There will be three Community Leader programmes with online and in -person sessions taking place over six months and a National Leader online programme aimed at Emerging and Experienced leaders.

Applications are currently open for Community Leader Wrexham – Application deadline – Monday 24 June 
Ceisiwch yma | Apply here
Cyfieithir y cylchlythyr hwn gan
Welsh translation for this newsletter by
dai : lingual


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