Gwobrau a Chynhadledd Busnes Cymdeithasol Cymru 2024
Ymunwch â ni ar ddydd Mawrth y 1af a dydd Mercher yr 2il Hydref Venue Cymru, Llandudno, am brofiad llawn mewnwelediadau, ysbrydoliaeth, arloesedd a syniadau.
Mae cynhadledd eleni yn canolbwyntio ar ail-ddychmygu economi Cymru drwy Pobl, Elw, Pwrpas a Planed, ac mae’n addo cymysgedd amrywiol o siaradwyr, gweithdai goleuedig, a chyfle perffaith i gysylltu â phartneriaid o’r sector preifat a chyhoeddus |
Social Business Wales Awards and Conference 2024
Join us on Tuesday and Wednesday 1st and 2nd October at Venue Cymru, Llandudno, for an experience packed with insights, inspiration, innovation and ideas.
This year’s conference focuses on reimagining the Welsh economy through People, Profit, Purpose and Planet, and promises a diverse mix of speakers, enlightening workshops, and the perfect chance to connect with partners from the private and public sector. |