Newsletter - 18/2/2020

Thursday, 18 February 2021
Newsletter - 18/2/2020
Y diweddaraf am y cynllun Benthyciad Adfer
Nawr, bydd gan fenthycwyr Benthyciadau Adfer yr opsiwn i deilwra taliadau yn unol â’u hamgylchiadau unigol a chael y dewis i oedi pob ad-daliad am chwe mis pellach.
Os oes gennych chi eisoes Fenthyciad Adfer ond eich bod wedi benthyg llai na’r hyn yr oedd gennych chi hawl iddo, gallwch ychwanegu at eich benthyciad presennol i’ch uchafswm. Mae’n rhaid i chi ofyn am y swm ychwanegol erbyn 31 Mawrth 2021.
Bounce Back Loan scheme update
Bounce Back Loan borrowers will now have the option to tailor payments according to their individual circumstances and now have the option to delay all repayments for a further six months.
If you already have a Bounce Back Loan but borrowed less than you were entitled to, you can top up your existing loan to your maximum amount. You must request the top-up by 31 March 2021. 
Cynllun Banc Lloyds a Banc yr Alban ar gyfer Entrepreneuriaid Cymdeithasol
Cynllun wedi'i hariannu'n llawn sydd wedi helpu mwy na 2,000 o bobl i ddechrau, adeiladu a thyfu mentrau cymdeithasol, elusennau, prosiectau cymunedol a sefydliadau a arweinir gan effaith.
  • Rhaglen ddysgu am ddim, wedi'i llunio gan eich anghenion, i'ch helpu i addasu i normal newydd ar ôl Covid
  • Grant (£1,000 – £7,000)
  • Mentor
  • Cymuned gefnogol o gyfoedion mewn rôl debyg i chi
Cofrestrwch ar gyfer un o'r sesiynau gwybodaeth ar-lein:  
Lefel cychwynnol - 25 Chwefror 10.30-11.30am
Lefel masnachol – 24 Chwefror 10-11am
Lefel mwy – 26 Chwefror 10.30-11.30am
Lloyds Bank and Bank of Scotland Social Entrepreneurs Programme
Fully funded programme which has helped more than 2,000 people to start up, build and scale social enterprises, charities, community projects and impact-led organisations.
  • A free learning programme, shaped by your needs, to help you adapt to a post-Covid new normal
  • A grant (£1,000 – £7,000)
  • A mentor
  • A supportive community of peers in a similar role to you
Register for one of the online information sessions: 
Start Up level - 25 February 10.30-11.30am
Trade Up level - 24 February 10-11am  
Scale Up level - 26 February 10.30-11.30am
Cronfa Bank Eang Lleol Llywodraeth Cymru - Gweminar 2 Mawrth
Mae Llywodraeth Cymru wedi sicrhau bod £10 miliwn ar gael I gefnogi mentrau cymdeithasol ac awdurdoda lleol I gyflawni prosiectau band eang yn lleol. Mae cyllid ar gael ar gyfer prosiectau sy'n darparu atebion band eang arloesol I gymunedau a rhannau o Gymru nad oes ganddynt fynediad at gyflymder band eang 30Mbps ar hyn o bryd.
Welsh Government Local Broadband Fund: Information for Social Enterprises - Webinar 2 March
The Welsh Government have made £10 million available to support social enterprises and local authorities to deliver broadband projects locally. Funding is available for projects that deliver innovative broadband solutions to communities and parts of Wales which do not currently have access to 30Mbps broadband speeds. 
Cefnogi'r Digartref
Mae grantiau o hyd at £5,000 ar gyfer prosiectau cyfalaf ar gael i elusennau sy'n gweithio i gynorthwyo pobl ddigartref i ailadeiladu eu bywydau a dychwelyd i'r gymuned. Dyddiad cau 15 Mawrth
Help the Homeless
Grants of up to £5,000 for capital projects are available to charities working to assist homeless people to rebuild their lives and return to the community. Deadline 15 March
'Y gymdeithas yw'r anabledd': Beth mae hyn yn ei olygu ar gyfer eich busnes? - gweminar 18 Mawrth
Bydd y gweminar hon yn dod â chyflogwyr ledled Cymru at ei gilydd i drafod yr adroddiad diweddar 'Cymdeithas yw'r Anabledd' sy'n edrych ar brofiadau menywod anabl yn economi Cymru.
‘Society is the Disability’: What does this mean for your business? - webinar 18 March
This webinar will be bringing employers across Wales together to discuss the recent ‘Society is the Disability’ report which looks at disabled women’s experiences in the Welsh economy.
Rhoi gweithwyr ar ffyrlo oherwydd cyfrifoldebau gofal
Os bydd gweithwyr yn gofyn am gael eu rhoi ar ffyrlo oherwydd cyfrifoldebau gofalu sy'n deillio o coronafeirws, fel gofalu am blant sydd gartref o ganlyniad i gau cyfleusterau ysgol neu ofal plant, gallwch eu rhoi ar ffyrlo a hawlio amdanynt o dan Y Cynllun Cadw Swyddi drwy gyfnod y Coronafeirws .
Mae'r wybodaeth yma a diweddariadau eraill ar gael drwy fwletin cyflogwyr CThEM yma
Furloughing employees due to caring responsibilities
If an employee asks to be furloughed because they have caring responsibilities resulting from coronavirus, such as caring for children who are at home as a result of school or childcare facilities closing, you can place them on furlough and claim for them under the CJRS.
This and other information available via the HMRC employer bulletin here
Cymuned ymarfer technoleg wedi’i bersonoleiddio yn y gymuned Cymru gyfan - 11 Mawrth
Ymunwch gyda’n cyfarfod diweddaraf o’r rhwydwaith Cymuned ymarfer technoleg wedi’i bersonoleiddio yn y gymuned Cymru gyfan i glywed a thrafod 2 strategaeth a fydd yn effeithio ar sut mae pobl gydag anabledd dysgu yng Nghymru yn defnyddio technoleg i gynyddu eu dewis, llais a rheolaeth
All Wales personalised technology community of practice - 11 March
Join the latest All Wales Personalised technology community of practice network meeting to hear and discuss 2 strategies that will have an impact on how people with a learning disability in Wales use technology to increase their choice, voice an control.


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