Newsletter - 13/6/2024

Thursday, 13 June 2024
Newsletter - 13/6/2024
Mae'r cynllun sefydliadau Pobl Fyddar ac Anabl ar gyfer elusennau cofrestredig a Chwmnïau Buddiannau Cymunedol sy’n cael eu harwain gan, ac yn gweithio ar ran, pobl Fyddar ac Anabl. Yn y tymor hir, bydd eich sefydliad yn gweithio'n uniongyrchol gyda phobl Fyddar ac Anabl i'w cefnogi i gael mwy o ddewis a rheolaeth dros eu bywydau, cael mynediad at eu hawliau ac annyledion, a herio'r rhwystrau y maent yn eu hwynebu.

Bydd ymgeiswyr llwyddiannus yn derbyn grantiau anghyfyngedig o £75,000 dros dair blynedd (£25,000 y flwyddyn).
Dyddiad cau 28 Awst
The Deaf and Disabled people's organisations programme is aimed at registered charities and CICs which are led by and working for Deaf and Disabled people. Your organisation will work directly with Deaf and Disabled people over the long term to support them to have more choice and control over their lives, access their rights and entitlements and challenge the barriers they face.

Successful applicants will receive a unrestrictive grants of £75,000, over three years (£25,000 per year). Deadline 28 August

Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Ymddiriedolaeth Elusennol Stadiwm y Mileniwm
Mae'r Cylch Grant nesaf bellach ar agor i dderbyn ceisiadau Lleol (£5,000) a Rhanbarthol (£10,000). Dyddiad cau Medi 30
The Millennium Stadium Charitable Trust
The next Grant Round is now open to receive Local (5,000) and Regional (£10,000) applications . Deadline 30 September
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Grantiau Menter a Grantiau Busnes SWEF
Grantiau o hyd at £2,000 ar gyfer entrepreneuriaid ifanc yng Nghymru sydd rhwng 18 a 30 oed. Fel rhan o'r rhaglen mae SWEF yn rhoi cyfle i ymuno â rhwydwaith o gyfoedion sydd hefyd yn y cyfnod cynnar o ddechrau eu busnes i rannu syniadau, profiadau a dysgu.
SWEF - Enterprise and Business Grants
Grants of up to £2,000 to young entrepreneurs in Wales that are aged between 18-30. As part of the programme SWEF provides the opportunity to join a network of peers who are also in the early stage of starting their business to share ideas, experiences and learn.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Darganfyddwch fwy ac archebwch eich lle | Find out more and book your place
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Discover more here
Cyfieithir y cylchlythyr hwn gan
Welsh translation for this newsletter by
dai : lingual


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