Newsletter - 13/02/2025

Thursday, 13 February 2025
Newsletter - 13/02/2025
Ymddiriedolaeth Addysg Bellach Margaret Dobson
Grantiau o hyd at £5,000 ar gael i Elusennau, Sefydliadau Corfforedig Elusennol a Chwmnïau Buddiannau Cymunedol sy'n canolbwyntio ar helpu oedolion ifanc ôl-ysgol gydag anableddau dysgu i ddatblygu sgiliau ymarferol a fydd yn eu galluogi i fyw bywydau annibynnol. Dyddiad cau 31 Mawrth
The Margaret Dobson Further Education Trust
Grants of up to £5,000 available to Charities, CIO & CIC's who are focused on helping young post-school adults with learning disabilities to develop practical skills that will enable them to lead independent lives. Deadline 31 March
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Fferm Wynt Arforol Estyniad Banc Burbo
Grantiau o rhwng £500 a £20,000 ar gael i amryw o sefydliadau dielw ar gyfer prosiectau cymunedol ac amgylcheddol sydd o fudd i drigolion lleol mewn ardaloedd gogleddol penodol yn Sir Ddinbych a Sir y Fflint. Dyddiad cau 9 Ebrill
The Burbo Bank Extension Offshore Wind Farm
Grants of between £500 and £20,000 are available to a range of not-for-profit organisations for community and environmental projects that benefit local residents in specific northern areas of Denbighshire, Flintshire. Deadline 9 April
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Sgwrs am Gomisiynu ar draws Cymru

Mae'r gweithdy hwn gyda Cwmpas a Lloyds Bank Foundation yn ceisio deall yn well a llunio trefniadau comisiynu lleol a chenedlaethol yn gadarnhaol.
Conversation about Commissioning across Wales
This workshop with Cwmpas and Lloyds Bank Foundation will look to better understand and positively shape local and national commissioning arrangements.
Darganfyddwch fwy yma | Find out more here
Mae Digwyddiadau Cymru wedi ariannu Richard Newton Consulting trwy’r Gronfa Datblygu Sector i drosglwyddo gweithdai a hyfforddiant codi arian mynediad am ddim ar gyfer cymuned digwyddiadau Cymru. 
Mae digwyddiadau’n cynnig datblygiad cymdeithasol ac economaidd i Gymru, ac mae trefnwyr digwyddiadau’n wynebu mwy a mwy o heriau wrth godi’r arian sydd ei angen i drosglwyddo eu digwyddiad. O ffeiriau i gyngherddau, digwyddiadau chwarae i wyliau bwyd, sioeau amaethyddol i ddathliadau diwylliannol, mae croeso i bawb ar y cynllun hwn a bwriedir i’r dysg eu helpu i ddatblygu eu gwytnwch. 
Bydd y gweithdai’n ymdrin â phynciau’n cynnwys rhoi unigol, rhoi digidol, nawdd, creu achosion ar gyfer cefnogi a chodi arian i ymddiriedolaethau a sefydliadau. 
Ceir mynediad am ddim i’r gweithdai, a drosglwyddir yn ddigidol – ac mae’r rhaglen lawn o weithdai ar gael i’w darllen / i archebu yma. 

13 / 2 Datblygu perthnasau lefel canolig ac uchel
18 / 2 Budd i’r Cyhoedd / Datblygu Achosion Cefnogol
4 / 3 Codi Arian i Ymddiriedolaethau a Sefydliadau
6 / 3 Dweud eich stori a dal sylw eich cynulleidfa / cymuned
10 / 3 Ysgrifennu Ceisiadau a Datblygu Cyllidebau
Event Wales have funded Richard Newton Consulting via the Sector Support Fund to deliver free to access fundraising workshops and coaching for Wales’ event community. 
Events offer social and economic development for Wales, and increasingly event organisers are facing challenges in raising the funds needed to deliver their event. From fetes to concerts, sports events to food festivals, agricultural shows to cultural celebrations, all are welcome on this scheme and learning is intended to help them develop their resilience.
 Workshops will cover subjects including individual giving, digital giving, sponsorship, creating cases for support and trust and foundation fundraising. 
Workshops, delivered digitally, will be free to access – and the full workshop programme is available to view / book here 

13 / 2 Developing High and Medium Relationships 
18 / 2 Public Benefit / Developing Cases of Support
4 / 3 Trusts and Foundations Fundraising 
6 / 3 Telling your story and engaging your audience 
10/3 Bid Writing and Budget Development
Goresgyn rhwystrau i fenywod yn y gweithle
Ymunwch â WCVA i ddathlu Diwrnod Rhyngwladol y Menywod ar 4 Mawrth 2025 yn Arena Cymdeithas Adeiladu Abertawe rhwng 11am ac 1.30pm. Byddant yn cynnal trafodaeth banel i edrych ar rai o’r rhwystrau y mae menywod yn eu hwynebu yn y gweithle a sut gall mudiadau ddefnyddio arferion gorau i sicrhau cydraddoldeb.
Overcoming barriers for women in the workplace
​Join WCVA to celebrate International Women’s Day on 4 March 2025 at Swansea Building Society Arena from 11 am - 1.30 pm. They will be hosting a panel discussion to explore some of the barriers women face in the workplace and how organisations can use best practice to ensure equality.
Cofrestrwch yma | Register here
Cyfieithir y cylchlythyr hwn gan
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dai : lingual


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