Choose 2 Reuse CIC
Established 2015
Location: Trostre, Carmarthenshire
We spoke to : Tanya Igic, Co-founder and CEO
Choose2Reuse CIC (C2R) are an environmental social enterprise established in 2015 and located in Trostre, Llanelli , Carmarthenshire. C2R buy, collect, grade and sell surplus clothing and other items to businesses across the world.

“At the beginning we worked so hard - how are we going to make it to next month? It was really a struggle but now we are okay.”
“We didn't know much about reuse - you learn a lot as entrepreneurs - we go with the flow and learn through the path we create - lots of people don't understand that”
“Social Firms Wales listened to my story; they helped me to put the puzzle pieces together so even now I know exactly what I'm doing”
Photo: C2R vans
Founding Directors Tanya Igic and Tony Holmes have a passion for reuse, re -purposing, creativity and community. “We started with a van and diligently collected surplus charity items with no pay for a year or so. If you see there is a need, you have to help to move forward . At the beginning we worked so hard - how are we going to make it to next month? It was really a struggle but now we are okay.”
Both enjoy problem solving; re-use was new to Tanya – she was considering teaching after 20 years of successful jewellery design . Tony noticed a great deal of charity shop surplus went to landfill, yet, there was a global demand for this type of surplus.
“To start with, I didn’t know much about this business, but like everything in my life I was happy to learn by doing it, like most entrepreneurs. I love the project. The more I learn the more I love it. It's so community oriented, it is our duty for the future generations, for our kids, to leave this planet clean, healthier. I think it's a very human project. And that makes me proud to be part of it. And driving it forward. So, I am going to carry on until I feel able to do it.
Social Firms Wales support
Social Firms Wales team members David Williams business planning support and Vina Patel supported the development of their governing document to ensure their long terms aims and goals ( Objects) reflected their values and vision, and how they want to operate as an organisation .
“David Williams was at that time, part of Social Firms Wales - someone recommended him - no one wanted to help me with a business plan or setting this up. I thought maybe the third sector and community can benefit – that would be nice. These were like pieces of a puzzle, and it was really difficult to put everything together. It is t is difficult to project what's going to happen in 10 years’ time , so it was really difficult task”
SFW support: “Yes, brilliant. We didn't even need to change the aims since then. They are set up for us, and they are there now. We are applying them. So yes, I think we are very happy with that”
Impact and sustainability
People feeling valued, useful, included: C2R progressed from no staff in 2015 to 13 full time staff today. They also offer volunteering and work experience opportunities.
“We are a living wage employer. We've got a very good team now, but it’s been a struggle”
“We are flexible. We try to be as fair as possible - friendly and family friendly. Mums needing to leave at three o'clock to pick up children from school work 9 to 3; we are also flexible as sometimes they have a call from school, when children are unwell”.
“Staff are also offered training; potential employees also have a day work trial to see if they like it. All staff have 28 days holiday, and can buy heavily discounted clothing and bric a brac – the quality of reusable items is often very good: “There are such lovely things”.
Planet: 5,760 tonnes of clothes and goods have been saved from landfill by 2022 (source: CIC reports to Companies House) . C2R started with processing a monthly average of 20 tonnes in 2016 to 100 tonnes in 2021.
Pounds: “Almost a million pounds turnover, C2R have a global distribution network from Latvia, Lithuania, Supplied Ukraine before the war started; Chile, Turkey, UAE, Malaysia, Pakistan, Philippines.
In six years local charities have earned £349,000 from selling surplus.
Premises: The enterprise progressed from two 20ft containers to two warehouses on an industrial estate.

Photo: a warehouse – one of two
“The first lock down, everyone was confused. I lost orders of £50,000. I remember when everything started around 15th March. Everything started collapsing - all the orders pulled out.”
Demand was high. Arrangements included barriers, delivery space, Customers stopped at barriers, staff wearing gloves and masks: “Stock was kept from 48 to 72 hours untouched – customers were still demanding clothes”
Tanya secured a number of grants: Third Sector Resource Funding 1 (TRSF) £50,000 and TSRF2 of £75.000 from WCVA grants and “created four new sorting jobs - we worked through the next two lockdowns. We also secured the S&CC Covid-19 Response Fund £50,000. This kept us going and growing out of pandemic even stronger. The team that stayed with us is very committed to it.”
Tanya’s advice
“Surround yourself with a positive people who share your vision and passion - that's what we have . Our directors are really upcycling, recycling and reuse orientated. They really love what we do and happy to give their valuable time for the benefits of such a social and environmental project.’’
“Your staff need to understand the mission - Why are we all doing this? So the team that stayed with us is very committed to it.”
“I never give up. We have a mission, a commitment to something we want to achieve. When you listen to talks by big entrepreneurs - I'm not saying I'm one of them! I confirm their saying that if you want to succeed you need to work for it, and work smart.”
Twitter: @choose2reusecic
Facebook: Choose2Reuse CIC | Facebook