Donations, fundraising events, crowdfunding, sponsorship.
Mostly unrestricted money Spend as you want to meet your social aims.
Charitable trusts & foundations, National Lottery Community Fund, government e.g., Welsh Government.
Mostly restricted Money for a specific project or Activity.
Selling goods and services to Local authorities, government agencies and other businesses.
Restricted You must achieve the results or changes agreed.
Selling to the wider public: e.g., Membership, selling goods / services, sponsorship.
Unrestricted you decide how to reinvest back into the business or community.
• Social investment – loans or grant/ loan mix • Investment income – interest or shares from money invested
List of grants for social enterprises
List of grants for self-employed enterprises
Where to search for grants
Funding search tips
Get ready to apply for funding
Make better funding applications
Crowdfunding and online donation
Loans and social investment
Glossary – meanings of words funders use
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