
This section has information and tips about different types of funding, help with meanings of words funders use, and how to make better funding applications.


Donations, fundraising events, crowdfunding, sponsorship.

Mostly unrestricted money Spend as you want to meet your social aims.


Charitable trusts & foundations, National Lottery Community Fund, government e.g., Welsh Government.

Mostly restricted Money for a specific project or Activity.


Selling goods and services to Local authorities, government agencies and other businesses.

Restricted You must achieve the results or changes agreed.

Open Market

Selling to the wider public: e.g., Membership, selling goods / services, sponsorship.

Unrestricted you decide how to reinvest back into the business or community.

Bringing money into your enterprise can be a mix, or spectrum, of different types of income:

There is also:

• Social investment – loans or grant/ loan mix
• Investment income – interest or shares from money invested


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